Summer adventures are a great chance to pile in a van with a group of friends, do something meaningful for the world, learn about a new place, and participate in God’s restorative work. But there comes that time when the experience is over and we have to ask, “What now?”
Scripture: Matthew 9:2-8
In this passage, Jesus is presented with a man who cannot walk. So Jesus tells the man to “take heart” and that his sins are forgiven. And then he says “pick up your mat and go home.” At the end of a week of Motown Mission we hope you’ve seen some healing and restoration up close. We hope God has provided you with some rejuvenation and inspiration, too. And now we have to ask that questions of ourselves, “How do I pick up this experience and take it home with me? And how will I live differently when I do?”
What’s one insight that you are taking home with you this week?
Describe one way that you’ve “taken heart” this week and will be able to share with others back in your neighborhood, church or school.
Why do you think Jesus heals the man’s heart in this story, and not his legs specifically?
Who is the first person you’ll tell about your experience? How will you reach out to them so that the story of God’s healing for the world can be shared?
Take Action:
Take Heart Y’all - In this bible passage, Jesus tells the crowd watching that they should pay attention to their own hearts as well. Before you head home, Imagine and enact one action to encourage the people of Metro UMC, the North End, or Detroit more broadly. Write a thank you note and leave tucked into a hymnal in the sanctuary. Borrow some chalk and decorate the sidewalk by a little free library. Etc!