
What good is a painted fence anyway? Isn’t it just going to need repainting again? Well… yes! But we stand in a long tradition of projects that help others do projects that help others do projects, etc. And at each step, we are participating in a very holy creative act making the world a little better each time. It’s about sharing in the first “project” that God did to create the universe and plant us in it so we can tend to it and each other.

Scripture: Genesis 2

Have you ever heard this story retold a little bit incorrectly? We have. We remember being lead to believe that God put humanity in the garden just to enjoy it. But Genesis 2 tells a different story. This is actually the story of God creating the world AND encouraging humans to “till it and keep it.” This is a story about painting the fence, building the porch, and weeding the garden over and over as an act of holy mischief alongside Jesus.


  1. What project or chore at home DOES NOT feel like participating in the beauty of God’s creation?

  2. What parts of your projects this week HAVE felt like creating holy mischief with others?

  3. Who is a friend in your life who seems to be able to create goodness and joy wherever they go?

  4. What are you passionate about in life? What are the things that you are most interested in, that you could do over and over, and that could lead to the world to be just a little bit better, kinder, just, and merciful every time you do?

Take Action:

Mission Mad Lib: Use this phrase in a post or video. Fill in the blanks with your own words:

“My project for the world is ___________________ and I’ll till the world for good till the world is all good!”



