Welcome to Detroit! Whether you’ve come from far away or if this city is in your own backyard, your time here means a lot. When you take a step out into the world, meet people participating in God’s beloved community, and work together to make it all happen, then you’ve chosen to walk in the Way that Jesus talked so much about.
Scripture: Luke 24:13-25
After Easter morning Jesus walked along a road with two of his disciples toward another city. They talked about what Jesus had done, and what the promises of God are for the world. And the whole time Jesus was there the disciples never realized who they were talking to! As you arrive in Detroit this week, we pray that you’ll recognize those moments when you are experiencing Jesus in this place.
Who is someone from home who has walked along with you and cares for you in ways that remind you of the love of God?
The Bible story today happened on the way to the disciples’ destination. What happened on your way to Detroit that reminded you of God’s presence in your life?
Sometimes when we travel to a new place, we bring assumptions about what that place will be like. What assumptions have you brought with you about Detroit?
The moment on the road to Emmaus doesn’t go one forever. And Jesus even calls the disciples “foolish” for not realize what is happening! When have you had an amazing experience that you didn’t understand how great it was until later?
Take Action:
Make A List - In order to be aware of Jesus walking with us in this new space this week, list 5 things you can do to be watching and listening for God this week. Write these things down in a journal or in an app on your phone. And when you succeed in recognizing Emmanuel “God With Us” this week, put a check mark by the tactic that helped you see God in the moment, people, and inspirations you experience!